Test Chip Prototype
Test Chip Prototype
Chip testing can ensure chip quality, shorten the time to market, and improve company profits. Chip testing plays an important role in the whole chip production process, and is in the middle of the chip design and manufacturing process.

Prototype test is generally conducted after the chip is just designed and handed over to Fabrication for streaming. It needs to be modified many times before the final test scheme can be determined. Mass production test is the test conducted after Fabrication's mass production, mainly including WAT, CP, FT, etc.

Diagnostic testing is aimed at finding the root cause of failed chips through a series of tests. The ultimate goal is to improve the method thus improving the yield; failure analysis is generally used to cut the chip physically, debug the microstructure, and analyze the root cause of chip failure.
Test Chip Prototype & MPW ServicesBlock Diagram
Prototype Test(Pre-silicon Prototype)
Prototype Test(Pre-silicon Prototype)
Prototype test is generally conducted after the chip is just designed and handed over to Fab for streaming. It needs to be modified many times before the final test scheme can be determined.
Prototype test(Pre-silicon Prototype) Flowchart

FPGA Verification

FPGA Verification 01
FPGA Verification 02
FPGA Verification 04
Product Test(Post-Silicon Prototype)
Product Test(Post-Silicon Prototype)
Mass production test is the test conducted after Fabrication's mass production, mainly including WAT, CP, FT, etc.
Chip Probing
Product Test(Post-Silicon Prototype) 01
Final Test
Product Test(Post-Silicon Prototype) 02
System Level Test
Product Test(Post-Silicon Prototype) 03
Bring Up& Full Validation
Product Test(Post-Silicon Prototype) 04
MPW Services
MPW Services
Multi Project Wafer (MPW) refers to the process of designing multiple integrated circuits with the same process on the same wafer for wafer fabrication. After wafer fabrication, each design project can obtain dozens of chip samples, which can meet experimental needs. The required experimental costs are also shared among all projects involved in MPW wafer fabrication, greatly reducing the threshold for small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in integrated circuit design.

Relying on establishing long-term strategic partnerships with mainstream wafer foundries at home and abroad, we are committed to providing customers with full platform, high-quality, full process, one-stop chip mass production services, from design to chip fabrication, manufacturing, packaging, testing, and sales, greatly saving customers' costs in all aspects and improving product competitiveness.

High costs of a prototype run can be shared among different customers by combining their designs into one mask set. This technique, known as Multi-Project Wafer, reduces the cost of a full prototyping wafer run to 10% or even 5% of the initial price.
MPW Services Schematic

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